Equipment to perform different types of stains in a fully automated way:
• Gram
• Auramine
• Ziehl
• May-Grünwald-Giemsa

The Borealys is a device that allows different types of staining. There is the Borealys DUO mode, which offers the user the possibility to perform combinations of up to two different stains without any problems. The Borealys is the only device on the market with which a true Ziehl-Neelsen staining (with heating) can be performed.

The slides are placed horizontally on one or two carousels with numbered spaces and staining solution is poured over them.

A drain ensures that the residual liquid is collected in a hermetically sealed container with a carbon filter to protect the user.

Staining solutions are only poured into the occupied spaces of the carousel, ensuring that no reagent is wasted.

  • Capacity: from 1 to 20 slides
  • True Ziehl-Neelsen staining (with heating) for mycobacteria
  • Slides are placed horizontally, and the staining solution is poured on them.
  • Choice of incubation time and staining solution volume
  • Slides are dried by centrifugation – dried slides can be read immediately
  • Sensors to detect the state of the staining solution in the bottles
  • Liquid waste is collected, so less maintenance is required


Automatic staining, Microbiology




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