Expand the discovery power of metatranscriptomics with the Ribo-ZeroTM Plus Microbiome Depletion Kit. This kit enables rapid and efficient removal of human, mouse, rat and bacterial rRNA for high-throughput microbial transcriptomics applications.
Metatranscriptomics attempts to describe the transcriptome (the total messenger RNA expressed in a genome) of a set of organisms from a sample. The kit offered by Illumina consists of reagents to remove human and bacterial ribosomal RNA (23S, 5S and 16S) from the sample and to prepare libraries from RNA. The reagents that perform this depletion consist of 1092 specific capture probes.
This application is more focused for research centers, which are interested in the study of the expression of these genes and the search for metabolic pathways.
Other features:
- Minimum 50 million reads/sample (only suitable for NexSeq or NovaSeq platforms).
- Analysis software included.
- 96-reaction format