NanoString Technologies
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NanoString Technologies
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Productos de NanoString Technologies
GeoMx Cancer Transcriptome Atlas (CTA)
Spatial study of the expression of over 1,800 genes involved in tumour biology, tumour microenvironment and immune response.
NanoString Technologies
Molecular Genetics
GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler
GeoMx Immune Pathways Panel
The GeoMx® Immune Pathways Panel is designed to profile key aspects of tumor biology, the tumor microenvironment, and the immune response, with spatial resolution from distinct regions of interest with a single tissue section.
NanoString Technologies
Molecular Genetics
GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler
GeoMx Whole Transcriptome Atlas (WTA)
Comprehensive spatial study of cellular biology, with full coverage of protein coding genes, and application in several fields: oncology, immunology, neuroscience, developmental biology...
NanoString Technologies
Molecular Genetics
GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler
nCounter Alzheimer’s Disease Panel
Expression study of genes related to Alzheimer’s Disease.
NanoString Technologies
Molecular Genetics
nCounter Autoimmune Discovery Panel
Study of the relationship between autoimmune disease associated germline variants and gene expression.
NanoString Technologies
Immune response and biomarkers
nCounter Autoimmune Profiling Panel
Study of relevant genes in autoimmune disease, chronic inflammatory disease and immunotherapy-related adverse events (human panel and mouse panel).
NanoString Technologies
Immune response and biomarkers
nCounter CAR-T Characterization Panel
Study of gene expression aimed at the development of CAR-T cell therapies.
NanoString Technologies
Lymphoid line
nCounter Fibrosis Panel
Study of the genes which participate in the fibrotic process.
NanoString Technologies
Cystic fibrosis
nCounter Glial Profiling Panel
Comprehensive expression study of genes in astrocytes, microglia, and oligodendrocytes, allowing a better understanding of neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory disorders and neurotrauma.
NanoString Technologies
Molecular Genetics
nCounter Host Response Panel
Global study of the individual’s immune response (human or mouse) to infection.
NanoString Technologies
nCounter Human Organ Trasplant Panel
Study of the individual’s immune response to transplanted tissue.
NanoString Technologies
Immune response and biomarkers
nCounter Immune Exhaustion Panel
Gene expression study of genes related to T cell, B cell, and NK cell exhaustion in diverse contexts, including cancer and infectious disease.
NanoString Technologies
Immune response and biomarkers
nCounter Immunology Panel
Expression study of genes related to immunology.
NanoString Technologies
Immune response and biomarkers
nCounter Inflammation Panel
Study of the early inflammatory response.
NanoString Technologies
Immune response and biomarkers
nCounter Metabolic Pathways Panel
Study of genes involved in core metabolic processes and immunometabolism.
NanoString Technologies
Molecular Genetics
nCounter Myeloid Innate Immunity Panel
Comprehensive gene expression study of myeloid-derived cells.
NanoString Technologies
Immune response and biomarkers
nCounter Neuroinflammation Panel
Comprehensive expression study of genes from pathways, processes and cell types involved in neuroinflammation.
NanoString Technologies
Immune response and biomarkers
nCounter Neuropathology Panel
Expression study of genes involved in six fundamental themes of neurodegeneration: neurotransmission, neuron-glia interaction, neuroplasticity, cell structure integrity, neuroinflammation, and metabolism.
NanoString Technologies
Molecular Genetics
nCounter PanCancer Immune Profiling Panel
Comprehensive study of the immune response, optimized for immuno-oncology research, including essential genes for the tumor biology and the tumoral microenvironment.
NanoString Technologies
Immune response and biomarkers
nCounter PanCancer Immuno-Oncology 360 Panel
Comprehensive study of genes involved in the tumoral immune evasion and the response to immunotherapy, including essential genes for the tumoral microenvironment and the immune response.
NanoString Technologies
Immune response and biomarkers
nCounter PanCancer Pathways Panel
Comprehensive study of genes involved in major cancer pathways, including essential genes for the tumor biology, the tumoral microenvironment and the immune response.
NanoString Technologies
Immune response and biomarkers
nCounter PanCancer Progression Panel
Comprehensive study of genes involved in processes and mechanisms related to cancer progression, including essential genes for tumor biology, the tumoral microenvironment and the immune response.
NanoString Technologies
Immune response and biomarkers
nCounter Stem Cell Characterization Panel
Study of gene expression aimed at the development of Stem Cell therapies.
NanoString Technologies
Hematology and blood bank
nCounter Tumor Signaling 360 Panel
Comprehensive study of dysfunctional cell signaling in cancer, including essential genes for the tumor biology, the tumoral microenvironment and the immune response.
NanoString Technologies
Immune response and biomarkers
Nucleic Acid Isolation System EXM6000
Automatic extractor of genetic material
NanoString Technologies
Molecular Genetics