PGTA-ChromInst® (Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidies)

PGTA-ChromInst® (Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidies) is a PGT-A solution. It combines in a single step WGA (Whole Genome Amplification) and library preparation for NGS (Next Generation Sequencing), (MALBAC® technology), guaranteeing a uniform and efficient amplification of DNA (MALBAC® technology).

MALBAC® technology 

WGA methods are prone to introduce amplification bias, as they amplify some regions better than others. However, MALBAC® (Multiple Annealing and Looping Based Amplification Cycles) technology results in amplification products that have complementary ends capable of forming loops of DNA, which enhances the quasi-linearity of amplification. In this way, much better amplification uniformity is achieved than with the other WGA methods described to date.

High genome coverage and amplification of >90% of loci is achieved with this technology. In addition, the ADO (Allele Drop Out) rate is <10%


  • Easy:  
    <1.5hrs hand-on work; WGA and Lib Prep are combined in one step. 
  • Safe:  
    Single tube/well reactions to avoid sample loss and contamination. 
  • Timesaving: 
    The whole process can be finished within 24 hours (9 hours if coupled with Illumina’s MiniSeq or MiSeq sequencers, and the auto-analysis bioinformatics platform ChromGO™). 
  • Flexible: 
    Compatible with both Illumina (Miniseq and MiSeq included) and Ion Torrent sequencing platforms. 
  • Accurate: 
    Most advanced single cell WGA technique. 
  • Complete:  
    An entire solution, from sample preparation to report output.


Simple data analysis solution, which allows you to quickly customize your data analysis reports on both online and local servers. 


  • Intuitive and simple interface. 
  • Versatile: data can be analyzed with different criteria (mosaicism, gender information…).
  • Detailed: details QC (Quality Control), including reads, GC content and CV (coefficient variation) presented in individual files.
  • Flexible: NGS data from different sequencing platforms can be processed.
  • 1M reads/sample for the detection of 10Mb deletions.

Who is it for? 

  • Women with advanced maternal age. 
  • Men with azoospermia. 
  • Patients with recurrent pregnancy losses. 
  • Patients with repeated implantation failures. 
  • Patients with chromosome structural abnormalities, such as reciprocal translocation and Robertsonian translocation. 


Molecular Genetics


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