Human Platelet Antigens (HPA) are glycoproteins expressed on the membrane of platelets. Antibodies against the Human Platelet Antigens can cause immune reactions in the recipient´s bood leading to the lysis of the transfused platelets.
HPA-Ready Gene enables the detection of the alleles HPA-1a/b, HPA-2a/b, HPA-3a/b, HPA-4a/b, HPA-5a/b and HPA-15a/b.
In addition to this kit, There are two other options to increase the number of detected alleles.
- HPA ReadyGene plus: extension of the standard (HPA 6a/b y HPA 9a/b)
HPA 1a/b ReadyGene: screening up to 96 samples for the HPA-1 polymorphism. Genotyping of the mother with regard to HPA-1 makes it possible to predict possible neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia