The HLA MIA FORA NGS MFLEX HLA typing kits offer high quality NGS results with an optimized and faster workflow. This kit is adapted for use on Illumina NGS platforms and is now available with CE marking.


  • Optimized multiplex reaction produces well balanced PCR products, minimizing the chance for allele dropout
  • High quality NGS HLA typing results with the MIA FORATM NGS HLA Typing software package that uses    3 analysis algorithms to provide exceptional HLA Results in ONE PASS


  • No quantification, balancing or pooling steps saves hands on time and allows users to proceed from    amplification directly to library preparation.
  • One day workflow allows for results to be reported in under 3 days.
  • Pre and post automation solutions and sequencing options to fit high and low testing volumes.


  • Flexible product and workflow configurations to fit each lab’s needs with a cost-efficient solution

Multiple automation options available including validated Beckman and Hamilton Instrument platforms.


High resolution HLA typing, Immunology and transplantation



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