The Immune Exhaustion Panel is designed for the study of the mechanisms behind T cell, B cell, and NK cell exhaustion in diverse contexts, including cancer and infectious disease.
It includes 785 genes (downloadable list) involved in 47 pathways related to immune exhaustion, allowing the characterization of the immune status, activation, suppression…, and the study of the immune checkpoint, among others.

In addition to allow the understanding of the mechanisms of exhaustion in T cells, B cells, NK cells, CAR-T cells and other immune cells, this panel will allow you to discover novel therapeutic targets for preventing or reversing immune exhaustion, to determine the extent of a peripherally suppressed, adaptive immune response to cancer with the 18-gene Tumor Inflammation Signature (TIS), to quantify the relative abundance of 14 different immune cell types or the identification of viruses which cause chronic infections, leading to the already mentioned immune exhaustion.

For more information about the pathways included in the panel, the TIS, immune cell profiling, viral identification and so on, please consult the product file you can download below.
Panel Customization
The Immune Exhaustion Panel could be combined with a Panel Plus, which will allow you to add up to 55 genes chosen by the client.
If you want to check that this panel is the most suitable for you, you can go to the NanoString Panel Pro panel selection tool: