Fragment Analysis
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Fragment Analysis
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Productos de Fragment Analysis
Adellgene® Fragile X
Kit for the determination of healthy, premutation and mutant alleles in the FMR1 gene by fluorescent fragment analysis
Blackhills Diagnostic Resources
Molecular Genetics
Fragment Analysis
Adellgene® Fragile X Screening
Kit for the determination of healthy and premutation alleles in the FMR1 gene by fluorescent fragment analysis
Blackhills Diagnostic Resources
Molecular Genetics
Fragment Analysis
Adellgene® Friedreich’s Ataxia
NGS assay to study 28 genes commonly associated with solid tumor type cancers from circulating cell-free tumor DNA (ccfDNA/cfDNA/ctDNA).
Blackhills Diagnostic Resources
Molecular Genetics
Fragment Analysis
Adellgene® Huntington Disease
Kit for the determination of the CAG triplet repeats number of the HTT gene by fluorescent fragment analysis
Blackhills Diagnostic Resources
Molecular Genetics
Fragment Analysis
Adellgene® Myotonic Dystrophy Confirmatory
Kit for the determination of the CTG triplet repeats number of the DMPK gene by fluorescent fragment analysis
Blackhills Diagnostic Resources
Molecular Genetics
Fragment Analysis
Adellgene® Myotonic Dystrophy Screening
Kit for the determination of the CTG triplet repeats number of the DMPK gene by fluorescent fragment analysis
Blackhills Diagnostic Resources
Molecular Genetics
Fragment Analysis
Adellgene® SCAs
NGS assays associated with solid tumors
Blackhills Diagnostic Resources
Molecular Genetics
Fragment Analysis
Aneuploidy Kits – QST*R
Analyses STR markers to diagnose aneuploidy
Cystic Fibrosis – CF-EU2
Qualitative in vitro detection of the 50 most common human CFTR gene mutations in the European population.
Cystic Fibrosis – Iberian Panel
Qualtative detection and idenetification of 12 aditional mutations within the CFTR gene in a single reaction.
Fibrosis Quística – CF-EU2
Detección cualitativa in vitro de las 50 mutaciones del gen humano CFTR más comunes en población europea
Fibrosis Quística – Panel Ibérico
Detección cualitativa e identificación de 12 mutaciones adicionales en el gen CFTR en una sola reacción de PCR.
Kit Yourgene DPYD
Detection of 6 mutations associated with dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency.
Yourgene Health
Molecular Genetics
Fragment Analysis
Kit Yourgene TRP-Fplus
Analyses the 4 most relevant mutations associated with increased risk of thrombosis
Yourgene Health
Hematology and blood bank
Fragment Analysis
Kits Aneuploidías – QST*R
Análisis de marcadores STR para el diagnóstico de aneuploidías
Male Infertility – MFI-Y & MFI-Y Plus
Molecular diagnosis of Male Factor Infertility (aneuploidy, microdeletions, CBAVD)
Yourgene Health
Male infertility
Fragment Analysis
Mentype® Chimera® CE-IVD
Kit for chimerism monitoring after bone marrow transplantation.
Fragment Analysis
Mentype® DIPscreen CE-IVD
Multiplex-PCR assay to identify informative polymorphisms for chimerism analysis.
Fragment Analysis